
Man sitting at a pottery wheel forming a small cylinder from clay

Welcome to my corner of the internet. I’m Brandon, an illustrator turned ceramic artist navigating the intricate journey of self-discovery through art. Late in 2022, amidst a sea of uncertainty about my identity and future, I made a pivotal decision to rekindle my passion for art—a decision that has since become a guiding light in my life. Drawing, my first love, has always been a source of comfort and expression for me. However, it was through my partner’s quest for a new hobby that I stumbled upon the muddy, meditative world of pottery.

Since mid-2023, we have embarked on this pottery journey together, exploring the endless possibilities that clay offers. One of my greatest inspirations in this new venture is Florian Gadsby, creator of beautifully angled stoneware vases, whose work I had admired long before I touched clay myself. Gadsby’s almost ritualistic approach has profoundly influenced my own, even as I navigate the early stages of learning this craft.

With aspirations of opening my own shop or studio space, I’ve set a goal to dedicate the next five years to mastering pottery, believing that with time and dedication, I can turn this dream into reality. My journey has taught me a valuable lesson: passion is worth pursuing, even if you are your own worst obstacle. Over the past year, my commitment to improving my drawing skills has yielded more progress than I ever thought possible. As I continue to grow and evolve as an artist, I dream of merging my skills in illustration and ceramics to create unique pieces that resonate with others.

I invite you to join me on this journey of artistic exploration and self-discovery. Whether you’re an artist yourself or someone curious about embarking on a new creative path, I hope my story inspires you to pursue your passions and explore the boundless potential within you. Let’s inspire each other and create a world where art knows no limits.